Botanical Art Society of New Zealand

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Summer Newsletter 2022/23 is now out!

The Summer 22/23 newsletter has now gone out to all members which means that the Summer 21/22 newsletter is now available to read online!

In last summer’s newsletter you can read all about-

  • Valuable painting techniques, tips and tricks.

  • Part 2 of Lesley Alexander’s series on painting on vellum.

  • Managing your watercolour palettes

  • Inspiration for your plein air painting kit!

  • Jennifer Duval-Smith’s report on being Artist-in-Residence at the Auckland Botanic Gardens

  • We celebrate the life of Karen BowmanAtherton, past president of BASNZ and multi-talented artist, who sadly passed away early this year.


If you would like to read the most recent newsletter to hear what is happening in the Society now, why not join us?

There is a membership level for everyone!