Botanical Art Worldwide 2018
‘Ngãi Tipu Taketake - Indigenous Flora’
New Zealand was one of 25 countries around the world collaborating in a global exhibition organised by the American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA).
This worldwide event brought together artists, institutions and the public to highlight the role contemporary botanical artists play in bringing attention to the need of safe-guarding our botanical diversity.
New Zealand’s participation was organised by BASNZ and sponsored by The Friends of Auckland Botanic Gardens, and took many, many long hours by the steering committee comprising of members Lesley Alexander and Sandra Morris along with Liz Powell who represented the Friends of the Auckland Botanic Garden.
A jury panel consisting of Ross Ferguson FRSNZ and Botanical artist, Sri Benham along with the garden’s curator, Rebecca Stanley, chose a range of New Zealand’s native flora depicted in various media, by New Zealand’s best botanical artists.
The exhibition opened March 30, 2018 and ran till July 1st at Auckland Botanic Garden before traveling to Wellington Botanic Gardens (August 1 - September 9), then to at Millennium Gallery, Blenheim (November 3 - December 9) before heading back to Auckland.
A Private View was held on April 7th for artists, invited guests friends and family. BASNZ President, Jaquie Carran gave a speech on behalf of the society, Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens, Diane Glenn spoke on behalf of the Friends, botanical artist Sue Wickison spoke on behalf of the artists and Micheline Newton spoke for the Botanic Gardens. During the evening, Paul Sinnett, Education Sales Manager for Gordon Harris awarded Nicola West from Long Bay College in Auckand the prize for Best Student Work.
More information can be seen at
A HUGE thank you to:
Friends of Auckland Botanic Gardens
Auckland Botanic Gardens
Cafe Miko - catering for Private View
Gordon Harris - The Art and Graphic Store
Wellington Botanic Gardens
Millenium Gallery, Blenheim
Pack and Send Pakuranga, Auckland
John Leech Framing, Mount Eden, Auckland
Soar Print, Mount Eden, Auckland
The Selected Artworks
Fifty-nine artworks were selected, depicting 40 native species by 44 artists.
Six student works were selected from Auckland Secondary Schools.
Forty of these artworks were chosen to became the travelling component of the exhibition as well as part of the international slideshow alongside entries from the other participating countries - a total of 1000 artworks!
See all New Zealand artworks below -

Ann Cryer - Corynocarpus laevigatus - Watercolour

Ann Cryer - Knightia excelsa - watercolour

Annette Judd - Cordyline australis - Graphite and Colour pencil

Bryan Poole - Phormium tenax - Harakeke, Flax - Egg tempera on vellum panel

Carole Cornes - Pseudopanax laetum - watercolour

Denise Ramsay - Fuchsia excorticata - 'The-Tree' - Watercolour

Denise Ramsay - Fuchsia procumbens - 'The-Creeper' - Watercolour

Diana Tormey - Phormium Colensii - Harakeke, Flax - Watercolour

Emma Scheltema - Piper excelsum - Kawakawa - Watercolour

Erin Forsyth - Various Myrtaceae sp. - Acrylic on board

Gail Timmerman-Vaughan - Haematomma alpinum - Watercolour

Gillian Receveur - Pachystegia insignis - Marlborough Rock Daisy - Colour pencil

Gillian Receveur - Vitex lucens - Puriri - Colour pencil

Hamish Foote - Beilschmiedia tarairi - Watercolour

Helen Gunter - Pohutukawa - Metrosideros excelsa - Watercolour

Helen Nutt - Clematis paniculata - Puawananga, NZ White Clematis - Watercolour

Jan Barker - Hibiscus richardsonii - Watercolour

Jane Humble - Passiflora tetrandra - Watercolour

Janet Marshall - Sophora Tetraptera - Kowhai, Ink and wash

Jane Zimmermann - Sophora Microphylla - Graphite

Jeana Trent Xeronoma callistemon - Poor Knights Lily - Colour pencil

Jennifer Duval-Smith - 'Seven-Sisters' - Knightia excelsa - Watercolour

Jenny Haslimeier - Knightia excelsa, with looper caterpillar - Colour pencil

Jenny Haslimeier - Metrosideros excelsa - Seedpods - Graphite

Jill McIntosh - Discaria toumatou - Graphite

Jo Ewing - NZ Poroporo, Solanum laciniatum - Watercolour

Jo Ewing - Phormium tenax, Flax - Watercolour

Karen Atherton - Dodonaea viscosa - Colourpencil

Khol Tyler-Dunshea - Rhabdothamnus solandri - Watercolour

K M Reilly - Asplenium bulbiferum - Mouku, Hen & Chicken Fern - Intaglio etching on zinc

Lesley Alexander - Kauri, Agathis australis - Watercolour on vellum

Liz Powell - Dianella nigra - Watercolour

Maragaret Blue - Corokia cotoneaster - Watercolour

Margaret Blue - Discaria toumatou - Watercolour

Maria Mercedes TrujilloA - Stilbocarpapolaris - Leaf, Back and Front Detail - Watercolour

Neal Palmer - Harakeke - Phormium tenax - Seed Pods - Acrylic on panel

Paula Cable - Sonchus Kirkii - NZ Sow Thistle - Watercolour

Rebecca Brown-Thompson - Brachyglottis rotundifolia - Watercolour and Colour pencil

Sandra Morris - 'Alpine Plants, Tongariro Region' - Watercolour and Graphite

Student entry - Nicola West - Hebe speciosa - 'Blue - An Informal Hedge' - Student award winner

Student entry - Nicola West - Piper excelsum - 'Rongoa, Healing Herb'

Student entry - Ruby Oliver - Piper excelsum - Watercolour

Student entry - Ruby Oliver - Rhabothamnus - Watercolour

Student entry - Sofya Salini - Myosotidium hortensia

Student entry - Sofya Salini - 'Kowhai'

Sue Wickison - Clianthus puniceus - Pen and ink

Sue Wickison - Dactylanthus taylorii - 'Wood Rose and Short Tailed Bat' - Mystacina tuberculata - Watercolour and graphite - People's Choice winner - Auckland

Suzy Abbott - Phormium tenax - 'Korari-III' - Watercolour

Suzy Abbott - Phormium tenax - 'Korari-II' - Watercolour

Teresa Hall - Meryta sinclairii - '4xPuka' - Seriagraph print

Valerie Cuthbert - Celmisia coriacea - Etched print

Valerie Cuthbert - Ranunculus lyalii - Drypoint print

Vicki Catlow - Rimu-Dacrydium cupressinum - Watercolour

Wilma Blom - Agathis australis - Kauri branchlets - Watercolour and Colour pencil

Wilma Blom - Pteris tremula - Shaking Brake Frond - Colour pencil

Wilma Blom - Pteris tremula - Shaking Brake, juvenile - Graphite
‘World Day of Botanical Art’, May 18th…..
The day began with a pōwhiri, a traditional Māori welcoming ceremony.
It was led by Kaumātua, Ted Ngataka, on behalf of Ngāti Tamaoho, the local iwi or tribe, followed by a walk round the Huakaiwaka visitor centre gallery while a blessing of the plants, artwork and artists was sung and spoken.
Although traditionally this takes place at dawn, we needed to allow time for people to arrive and get through the rush hour traffic.
….that weekend saw many visitors….
Visitors from many parts of New Zealand came to meet the artists and enjoy the artist demonstrations.
A talk by Dr. Robert Franiche and curator, Rebecca Stanley on Dactylanthus taylorii and the Short Tailed Bat and the 50+ artwords on show were enjoyed by many people throughout the weekend.
Dactylanthus taylorii - 'Wood Rose and Short Tailed Bat' - Mystacina tuberculata
Watercolour and graphite
People's Choice winner - Auckland
Sue Wickison
Artist demonstrations…..
10am - 11.30am Printmaking with Val Cuthbert and Watercolour with Helen Gunter
11.30am - 1pm Colour Pencil with Gillian Receveur and Graphite with Wilma Blom
1pm - 2.30pm Watercolour with Ann Cryer and Colour Mixing with Maria Mercedes Trujillo A.
2.30pm - 4pm Nature Journaling with Sandra Morris and Graphite with Heike-Jane Zimmermann
10am - 11.30am Watercolour with Helen Gunter and Pen and Ink with Lesley Alexander
11.30 - 1pm Watercolour on Vellum with Lesley Alexander and Watercolour with Emma Scheltema
1pm - 2.30pm Graphite with Wilma Blom and Watercolour with Jennifer Duval-Smith
Lastly, listen here…….
to an interview on Radio NZ’s arts programme,‘Standing Room Only’ where host, Lynn Freeman chats to artists Lesley Alexander, Sandra Morris and Sue Wickison about their involvement in ‘Ngãi Tipu Taketake - Indigenous Flora’
June 25th, 2017
and here…….
to the post exhibiton catch up with Lynn Freeman
April 1st, 2018