Rebecca Brown-Thompson

Contact details:



Artistic Approach:

I have morphed into painting only rare plants found in our area in Oregon.  The Forest Service has been kind enough to tell me where these certain plants are so that I can go find them which is the fun part of the hunt.  So far I have done 4 different plants all located in different regions around Bend, Oregon where I live. The latest one was a Newberry Gentian which will be the hardest one to do but has the most beautiful blue purple petal  colors.. When I finish with a painting I have it scanned and will give that copy to the Forest Service to use as they want.  I keep the Originals.  I still have the large outlines I did of New Zealand trees that have juvenile forms.. I managed to finish one of them but have been very bad about not getting much painting done this summer and haven't been in the mood really to paint much  this year..partly because it has been a very lonely year for me except for my cats who keep me company... :-)  

I work out of my beautiful studio I designed :-), I use watercolor mainly ...sometimes I use gouache for touch ups...  I am actually excited  to try the NZ Possum vellum that I had made for me while I was in NZ ... I finally got them flattened out after being rolled up in a tube... so they are usable. now . but they will be hard to work on as they  are soooo thin unlike calf vellum so I will have to be very careful.  The guy that traps the possums up on the North Island sent me the skins all rolled up so  that was why I had  to get them flat which I finally did.


GNSI Guild of Natural Science illustrators

Pacific Northwest Botanical Artists

ASBA American Society of Botanical Artists

Botanical Art Society of Australia

Oregon BotanicalArtists 

ABBA Association of British Botanical Artists


I learned how to do Scientific  Illustration back in the 70's when I learned of the GNSI and went to their conferences where I picked up the  techniques for drawing Scientific  subjects among other techniques.. to refine my  artwork... 


2018 - Botanical Art Worldwide - Auckland, Wellington and Nelson

BASA online exhibition

GNSI Conference  Penstemon