Vicki Jones

Contact Details:

Facebook: Vicki Jones Artist


Artistic Approach:

I am relatively new to botanical art but my mother shared with me her love of gardens and unusual plants from an early age. When her friends visited it often included a wander around her garden, and it was my job to follow with newspaper to wrap the cuttings and seedlings that she gave to her friends. Meanwhile, I was listening to their conversations and learning about the plants.

In the last few years I have discovered the versatility of coloured pencils after previously trying watercolour landscape painting. I found that the coloured pencils are ideal for representing the plants that I had learned about from my mother and when I studied horticultural theory in the late 1980s. 

I love the vibrant colours and the range of textures that can be represented with coloured pencils. They are, for me, an excellent medium with which to accurately interpret the intricate details of nature.

Based near Ngahinapouri, close to Hamilton, in the Waikato, I particularly enjoy nature walks where I can take time to observe flowers and foliage in detail. These walks offer an abundance of inspiration and subject material for my representations of nature.  


Member - BASNZ Botanical Art Society of New Zealand


Certificate of Horticultural Theory, 1987



'Botanica' - Welcome Swallow Gallery, Hamilton


‘For the Love of Botanical’ - Space Studio Gallery, Wanganui