‘W H A K A O H O - Awakening’, an exhibiton of Botanical Art

Members Jane Marshall Fitzgerald, Pam Hollows, Katherine Allard, Noelene Buisman-Hung and Zantedeschia Robini are among 9 artists showing their latest botanical artworks in a group exhibition at Owaka Museum.

The artists based their works on the local Catlins Forest herbarium samples collected by Janette West. The official opening was on Friday, 5th April, and the exhibition is open to the public until 31st May.

Read the catalogue, beautifully designed by Zantedeschia Robini, below.
Along with the forward, written by Mike McPhee, Manager of Owaka Museum, Jane Marshall Fitzgerald writes about the origin of the Owaka Museum herbarium.


AGM - 6th April 2024


Dora Baker is Kings Seeds featured artist for April