‘Hidden Secrets’ - an exhibition of Botanical Art - April 8th - May 28th

Six members of BASNZ are showing work in the 'Hidden Secrets' exhibition of work from the Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens Art Group.

Birgit Rhode, Sandra Morris, Helen Gunter, Lesley Alexander, Jennifer Duval-Smith and Jan Barker have one or more works in this exhibition which runs til 28th May at the Huakaiwaka visitor centre at the gardens.

'Hidden Secrets' aims to address the problem of 'plant blindness', a term coined twenty years ago by two American botanists James Wandersee and Elisabeth Schussle.

Put simply, it is the lack of awareness and appreciation of plants in one’s own environment.
Through these artworks, visitors will be encouraged to look at and understand how the plants around us are integral to our survival.

Definitely worth a look! It is open daily from 8-4pm

Huakaiwaka visitor centre
102 Hill Road
Auckland 2105

Clockwise from top left:
’Figs’ - watercolour - Helen Gunter
’Autumn Crocus’ Colchicum autumnale - watercolour - Birgit Rhode
’The Last of Us’ Helianthus Annuus - watercolour - Jennifer Duval-Smith
’Blown Away’ Swan Plant - Gomphocarpus physocarpus - Scratchboard and watercolour - Lesley Alexander
’Tulip Tulipa’ - Acrylic on black 6008 board - Sandra Morris
’Peace Lily’ - Spathiphyllum - Gouache & watercolour on Black Paper - Jan Barker


Vicki Jones - ‘Botanical Artist of the Month’ for May


AGM 2023