Sandra Morris - October’s ‘Botanical Artist of the Month’

Sandra is October’s featured artist in the Kings Seeds newsletter. Her profile reads -

‘Sandra is a botanical artist residing in Whanganui. With her background in graphic design, she has an interest in creative composition. 
Sandra is also a regular nature journaller, documenting both the flora and fauna of the exciting places she visits.

Her use of hand lettering in her journals has filtered through to a lot of her larger fine art botanical paintings.
Sandra teaches botanical art and nature journalling throughout New Zealand. Her mission is to reconnect people back to nature.’

A print of Sandra’s work, ‘Shakespeare’s Herbs’, seen below, will be part of Kings Seeds give-away later in the year.

See more of Sandra’s work here

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Member’s Social evening - Thursday, October 27th - meet artist Heike Jane Zimmermann


Botanical Art Worldwide 2025