Spring ‘24 Newletter is now in your Inbox!
Our latest newsletter is a real bumper of an edition and is in your inbox now!
Inside you will find:
Member’s News from -
Katharine Allard
Gillian Receveur
Lesley Alexander
Sandra Morris and
Wilma Blom
Meet our featured artist - Elena Brambilla - so much more than an artist!
We hear from Jo Ogier about her exhibition, ‘He wai Apakura - Te Ara Pounamu/The River’s Lament - A Pathway of Treasures’. This exhibition includes 26 large panels that took a few years to produce and brings attention to the loss of many species due to reduction of native vegetation along the length of the river.
Erin Forsyth writes about her botanicaly themed l finds as she travels around the UK and the US, her travels and Pete James, a watercolour artist discusses the difference good paper and paint can make to our paintings.
We also have our Spring Giveaway and Lisa Dickson reviews the Mindy Lighthipe workshop she won in our Winter Giveaway!
So along with exhibition reviews and updates, it is certainly a bumper edition.
This means that the Spring 2023 newsletter is available to read online HERE!
But why not join us and get to read the latest newsletters as soon as they come out?
There is a membership level for everyone from those who have an interest in botanical art to beginner and professional artists!
‘Botanica 2024’
Suzy Abbott - Rosa 'Sally Holmes’
‘Botanica 2024’
Jenny Lee - watercolour - Fuchsia ‘Gillian Althea’
‘Botanica 2024’
Jo Ewing - ‘Poroporo and Moths’