Jane Marshall Fitzgerald - ‘Botanical Artist of the Month’ for June

Jane features as ‘Botanical Artist of the Month’ in Kings Seeds’ June newsletter -

Jane is a botanical artist living in Karitane, a seaside village near Dunedin. She has a particular interest in the science of plants and how art can connect the ‘viewer’ with the intricate beauty and design of plants that enables them to reproduce and enhance our environment.

Jane’s art often depicts various stages of growth from bud to flower and then seed. She enjoys discovering the habitat and origins of the plants she paints, and actively seek stories from growers about pants that have captured her interest.

Jane prefers using watercolours, layering to get the transparency and intensity of colour, but also enjoys graphite and ink, and in various combinations.


See more of Jane’s work here

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Clianthus maximus ‘Kaka King’ - watercolour


‘Breaking the Rules and having fun: Mixed media in Botanical Art’ Workshop


Member’s Social Evening - Margaret Flockton Award - 27th June, 7pm